Hmmmm, wrong title on that slide...that's what happens at 2am
So I'm finished, Michael is letting us know what is on after our two hour lunch break.
(This one is in order)
Tux visited LCA, he was originally standing on one foot, but the camera took a bit too long to get ready to take the photo. Tux almost got a laptop!
Tux also brought Linus along...I can't quite work it out, he ain't moving....
Tux also brought Linus's double...he also ain't moving
FOOD!!! Yes, we have catering...
I won a peice of paper...
And redeemed it for a 1GB flash could win a redeemable paper too, just be at the my case it was a simple matter of playing Heads And Tails
Thankyou to the lovely Nattie who agreed to be the model.
A viking of Inner Canberra...